DCHP Conference 2024: AWARENESS

Announcement of the 4th conference of the Dutch Caribbean Heritage Platform. Preregister now!

We are proud and happy to announce the 4th Conference of the Dutch Caribbean Heritage Platform! We invite you to preregister for this event that will take place from May 5th till May 9th 2024 on the Winward Islands. Ten years after founding the platform we will have another opportunity to meet, learn and network.

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Conference 2024


DCHP is organizing this conference in cooperation with ErfgoedAcademie. The organizing committee consists of representatives from organizations on the three islands, ErfgoedAcademie and the platform.

Everyone working with or interested in cultural heritage in the Caribbean part of the Dutch kingdom
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Wij beantwoorden ze graag! Als je twijfelt, kunnen we je ook helpen met het kiezen van een cursus die bij jou past.

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  • Museum20243
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  • Museum20242

DCHP Conference 2024: AWARENESS

Are you passionate about, wanting to become more aware of, working with or maybe even owning cultural heritage in the Dutch Caribbean? Then this is the Conference for you! 

Please join our conference with the theme ‘Awareness’, where you'll have the chance to delve into the rich cultural heritage of the Dutch Caribbean islands of Sint Maarten, Saba, and St Eustatius

Through either a in person or an online program, you'll explore monuments and other cultural sites that are often overlooked, while gaining insights into the diverse history of the region. Engage with local heritage professionals, share knowledge, and collaborate on finding sustainable solutions to the current challenges these islands are facing. 

Whether you join us in person or virtually, this conference offers you a platform for learning, discussion, and collective action towards preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the windward islands of the Dutch Caribbean. Register today through the button below!

PROGRAM (subject to change) 


IN PERSON Program (subject to change)- download PDF program for details

Sunday May 5th – Sint Maarten (SXM)

  • Soft Opening reception (Fort Amsterdam)

Monday May 6th – Sint Maarten (SXM)

  • Official opening (Sint-Maarten Museum) 
  • Historical Scavenger Hunt (in town)
  • Live plenary session (Cultural Center)
  • Cultural evening 

Tuesday May 7th - Saba

  • Early ferry to Saba
  • Excursion program
  • Plenary session, panel discussion government & foundations
  • Ferry to Sint-Eustatius
  • Diner

Wednesday May 8th – St Eustatius

  • Excursion program
  • Plenary session
  • Ferry to Sint-Maarten

Thursday 9th - Sint Maarten (SXM)

  • DCHP: looking back at 10 years
  • Webinar National Slavery Museum
  • Wrap up and closing conference
  • DCHP: plans for the future
  • Farewell reception


ONLINE Program (subject to change) - We use the Zoom platform for the online sessions

Monday May 6th – Sint Maarten (SXM)

  • 12.30 pm – 4.30 pm AST time | 19.30 – 22.30 CET (Amsterdam time)
  • Opening and welcome online participants
  • Live plenary session, together with in person participants experts

Tuesday May 7th – Saba

  • 11.00 am – 12.30 pm AST time | 17.00 – 18.30 CET (Amsterdam time)
  • Online program with experts from Saba

Wednesday May 8th - St Estatius

  • 11.00 am – 12.30 pm AST time | 17.00 – 18.30 CET (Amsterdam time)
  • Online program with experts from St Estatius

Thursday 9th - Sint Maarten (SXM)

  • 09.00 am – 12.00 pm AST time | 15.00 – 18.00 CET (Amsterdam time)
  • Live plenary session, together with in person participants
  • DCHP platform 
  • Webinar National Slavery Museum
  • Wrap up and closing conference

In the online program, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges around the heritage of the different islands. We appreciate an active attitude from you. We will discuss and engage together and in smaller groups. The results and/or questions will be shared with in person participants. The online sessions start with a wrap up from the in person sessions and excursions.


DCHP aims to offer the conference free of charge. Participants are however responsible for their own accommodation during the conference (on Sint-Maarten and Sint-Eustatius) and the transportation to and from Sint-Maarten.

DCHP is very grateful to Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur & Wetenschap, Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoed and Nationaal Restauratiefonds for their financial and substantive support of this conference.

Registration and more information
Registration is closed. If you have any questions please contact Anne Witsenburg via a.witsenburg@monumentenfondsaruba.com

Social media
Please follow us on  Facebook  and LinkedIn for the latest news!

For whom?

Is this conference for you?

Are you passionate about, wanting to become more aware of, working with or maybe even owning cultural heritage in the Dutch Caribbean? Then this is the Conference for you!

Please join us!

  • Bonaire
  • Museum20242
  • Museum20244