Webinar Collections from Colonial Context in the Netherlands

The colonial past has left traces in many places, also in the collections of Dutch museums and other institutions. Communities lost their objects because they were taken and brought to the Netherlands. Sometimes as loot but many cases due the imbalance of power. The current Dutch policy on colonial collections aims to help rectify this historic injustice by facilitating requests for restitution of cultural heritage objects from countries of origin, by working towards openness and transparency about collections in the Netherlands, and by strengthening international collaboration on these collections. This webinar is specifically curated for participants based in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

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heritage professionals, (provenance)researchers, policy makers, cultural heritage organizations from countries and communities of origin
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Why this webinar?

  • Ask questions regarding the presence of, research to, and restitution procedure of cultural heritage collections
  • Get acquainted with available resources and funds for provenance research and cooperation
  • Exchange with museums in the Netherlands on how they deal with dilemmas surrounding colonial collections

More information about this webinar

In this online webinar we will provide specific information about the current Dutch policy on colonial collections in relation to the 3 countries and 3 public bodies located in the Caribbean region. We also want to provide room for questions regarding the presence of, research to, and the procedure of restitution of cultural heritage collections. 

This webinar is organized in collaboration with the Colonial Collections Consortium. The Consortium is established to provide information on colonial collections policy, relevant organizations and experts, networks and opportunities for cooperation and knowledge exchange. The Consortium aims to be a central point of contact for countries of origin for questions about collections from a colonial context and provenance research in the Netherlands. In this webinar we will provide attendees with available resources for further research and collaboration. 

For Whom?

Are you a heritage professional, (provenance)researcher, policy maker, community leader based in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands? And/or are you interested in (the study of) cultural heritage objects and collections in the Netherlands and policies regarding restitution? Please feel free to sign up for this webinar. 

How can I sign up?

You can register for this webinar via this link. One week in advance you will receive a confirmation email with links to the Zoom meeting as well as preparation materials that we would like you to study in advance.